Social Responsibility

Open hand holding a glowing globe labeled "CSR" with interconnected icons representing corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and ethics.

Pharmaron has the responsibility to help patients improve their quality of life and save lives by providing therapeutics in a timely, cost-effective, and business-sustainable manner. We work closely with non-profit organizations to help discover and develop urgently needed and effective medicine at a low cost. Our social responsibility includes providing a safe environment for our employees in each of our facilities and operating our business in an environmentally responsible manner. Sustainability goals are created to track our progress of achievement regularly. In addition, Pharmaron is committed to running high-quality scientific animal studies that meet ethical standards.

A diverse group of people, standing in front of a wall with the Pharmaron logo, are holding a red banner with Chinese characters. They are smiling and posing for the photo in a well-lit indoor space, representing expertise in Radiolabelled ADME​ and bioanalytical development.

Support Education and Research

  • Annual scholarships and studentships were established at universities in China and North America to foster professional training in centers of excellence in their fields
  • Mentorships to hundreds of interns from universities in China and North America to apply their newly learned scientific and technological skills as they prepare to enter R&D-driven industries
Two hands gently hold a small globe, symbolizing global social responsibility and environmental stewardship against a soft blue sky backdrop.

Support Disaster Relief Recovery

  • Disaster relief assistance in China and around the world – donating goods, money and volunteer time
  • Volunteer opportunities to help local charities
A white lab coat with the Pharmaron logo, signifying their expertise in preclinical ADME studies, lies on a red velvet surface beside multiple pairs of clear safety goggles.

Employee Safety

Our team has developed a comprehensive system focused on Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE). SHE is integrated with all R&D processes and activities to ensure our facilities and local communities are safe. Regular communication with local authorities regarding SHE policies, regulations, and practices ensures that the best practices for the SHE system are implemented. We strive for excellence regarding the health and safety of our team and communities, and we aim to be a benchmark for the CRO industry.

A person is touching a blue hexagon labeled "Work Safety" on a digital interface with surrounding hexagons labeled "Regulations," "Protection," "Health," "Hazards," "Safety first," and more, all crucial for bioanalytical development. The background is blurred.

Environment, Health and Safety Policy

  • Commit to complying with all applicable environmental, health, and safety legal requirements and other voluntary requirements to which we subscribe.
  • Believe all incidents and occupational diseases are preventable
  • Foster a culture of safety within our organization
  • Commit to preventing pollution and operating our business in an environmentally responsible manner
  • Commit to continuously improving our environment, health, and safety performance by implementing management systems and engaging with all our employees, customers, and key stakeholders

Animal Welfare

Pharmaron is committed to running high-quality scientific studies that meet all ethical standards. In Pharmaron, our animal sites are all AAALAC certified.

Some of the scientific studies undertaken have been performed on animals. As well as being a legal requirement, Pharmaron believes animal studies are an ethical and moral necessity before human exposure. Pharmaron insists on the highest standards of health and welfare for all animals in our care and is committed to following these principles:

Group 3 3

Strict Standards

Animal research in accordance with national regulations, legislation and guidelines that apply in China and the countries of our customers (e.g. USDA 9 CFR parts 1, 2, 3 and 2010/63/EU). Pharmaron regards these standards as a minimum, and they underpin our own strict global standards of animal welfare

Animal Treatment Regulations

All animals bred by qualified laboratory animal breeders who are subject to inspection and qualification by Pharmaron’s animal care professionals. Animal providers must adhere to Pharmaron’s standards and regulations for animal treatment

Culture of Care

A sustained culture of care, concern and respect for animal welfare where animal mistreatment is a dismissible offense

Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge sharing within the company and scientific community for the replacement, reduction and refinement of animal studies, known as “The 3Rs”

Qualified Staff

Qualified veterinary surgeons and staff involved in managing and implementing our animal care programs

Staff Training

Training for all staff working with animals to ensure proper care

Ethical Consideration

Animal research conducted only after appropriate ethical consideration and review by Pharmaron’s IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee). This review, identical to the procedures used in the US and Europe, ensures that we provide a high level of care to all animals used, and that a scientifically appropriate and validated alternative to the use of animals is not available

Join the Team

At Pharmaron, employees are number one.

Two scientists in a laboratory work together, reviewing notes and handling chemicals, with bottles and equipment labeled for a Carbon-14 clinical program.