Synthetic Chemistry
Synthetic Chemistry Services
With over 5,000 synthetic chemists for discovery chemistry, supported by hundreds of analytical and purification chemists, Pharmaron’s synthetic organic chemistry team has a track record of delivering high-quality compounds of various complexities and analytical data to our partners. With a state-of-the-art chemical technology platform, Pharmaron can design efficient synthetic routes for complex molecules and put them into practice to accomplish synthetic transformation with maximum efficiency.
- Synthesis of novel compounds for discovery/medicinal chemistry programs with any structural complexity
- Synthesis of building blocks and reference compounds
- Scale up to support in vivo PK, in vivo efficacy and toxicity studies
- Enabling chemical technologies includes:
- High-throughput experimentation to optimize reaction conditions
- Re-engineered enzymes for biotransformation
- Flow chemistry
- Photo-redox and photo-flow chemistry
- Electric chemistry