Library Synthesis
Library Synthesis Services
To support our partners’ efforts to expedite the drug discovery process, Pharmaron has built a world-class platform for library synthesis. Our experienced library teams are capable of efficiently validating synthetic routes and carrying out library production to advance drug discovery programs. Our laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art instruments, including synthesizers, microwave-assisted reactors, automated HPLC purification systems, LCMS & NMR, compound management, and plating systems.
- Novel scaffolds of any structural complexity
- Diversity-based libraries for corporate compound collections
- Focused and fragment-based libraries for biological targets of interest
- In-house collection of over 25,000 diverse building blocks
Workflow for Fast Library Compound Delivery
- Strong capability in route validation & use of new techniques (e.g. flow and photo-redox chemistry)
- Automated purification and high throughput fraction evaporation and drying systems
- Library project software systems for secure data collection, management and building block evaluation in various reactions
- Unique 2D barcode of each compound for easy data retrieval and progress monitoring across all steps
- Compound management and plating according to specific screening needs
- Compound shipment and logistics assistance, including custom clearance
DNA-encoded Libraries
- Synthesis of DNA-encoded Libraries (DELs) with novel, unreported cores having drug-like properties to identify high affinity hits against protein targets of interest
- Affinity selection methods for the efficient identification of potent hits from the libraries
Laboratory Chemistry Services
Pharmaron provides efficient and innovative services in support of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery research.