Equilibrium dialysis is used in this assay to determine the percentage of test compound that binds to human, rat, dog, primate or mouse plasma proteins.
Required from Customer
- Either a minimum of 300 μL of test compound at 10 mM in DMSO, or 5 mg of powder
- Exact molecular mass of test compound and its salt form
- MSDS or handling and storage information, e.g., light sensitive, store at -20°C, etc.
- Percent bound of test compound and QC compound
- The test compound at 5 μM in human, rat, dog, primate or mouse blood plasma at pH 7.4 with final DMSO concentration less than 1%
Assay System
- Pooled plasma (≥3 donors)
- Human: mixed gender
- Rat, dog, primate or mouse plasma: male only
- Dialysis: Rapid Equilibrium Dialysis (RED) device at 37°C
Assay Conditions
- Use two separate wells (N=2), with one side of each dialysis well containing phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at pH 7.4 and the other side of the well containing plasma
- Use appropriate anticoagulant (typically sodium heparin)
- Adjust pH of PBS and plasma to 7.4 prior to initiation of experiment
- Sample both the plasma side and the buffer side of each well 4 hours after the system reaches 37°C
- Use LC-MS/MS to determine the peak area response ratio (peak area corresponding to the test compound divided by that of an analytical internal standard) without running a calibration curve
Assay QC
- Warfarin is co-dosed with the test compound in each well
Dynamic Range
- The results from this assay are sent to the customer in the ExpressPlus report format, which may include graphical representations of data and comparison with historical data for reference compounds.
- This assay uses frozen / thawed pooled blood plasma.
- This assay can yield ambiguous results with test compounds that are unstable in plasma. Absorption Systems can determine the plasma stability of a test compound at an additional cost.
- The following equation is used to calculate the percentage of the test compound bound to plasma proteins based on the peak area response ratio (PARR): % bound = ([PARR (donor)] – [PARR (receiver)] x 100)/[PARR (donor)]
- The customer can request that the experiment be performed using a Teflon chamber microdialysis apparatus with an equilibration time of >22 hours.